Welcome to the Official Website Of ECCCIS

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


Chamber Of Commerce & Industries

Provide access to valuable resources, discounts, and relationships that help businesses save money and market their products

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Joining A Chamber Of Commerce

Can boost sales and significantly improve a local business' visibility and credibility

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Chambers Of Commerce Are Responsible For Improving The


East Champaran Chamber of Commerce & Industries was established in the year 2012 with a view to facilitate the Trade, Commerce & Industries of East Champaran (Bihar).Our Organisation registered under societies registration Act 21/1860. Govt.Of Bihar, Patna.

The Chamber has been in the vanguard of East Champaran's Industrial resurgence. Throughout its journey spanning 11 years, the Chamber has maintained its bow steady, undaunted by the challenges of time.Expertise gained in varying aspects of Industry & Trade over the years, has made Chamber a consultative forum and our organinsation follow policy guidelines of government and state.

Our organization is not only engaged in commerce and industries but also does social work apart from this, so that poor people can be uplifted. Helping poor people on other aspects of society like health awareness, women empowerment, road safety program, plantation, agriculture and many more.

Coming together is a beginning , keeping together is progress , working together is success The journey , is never ending
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Actively we working on

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Industries / Business

ECCCIS are responsible for

  • Improving the local business environment and strengthening communities through advocacy, networking, and campaigning. In addition, they create an easy line of communication for business owners to connect with governing bodies.
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Plantation / Agriculture

Go Green Save Green

  • We all Know environment plays an important role in the existence of life on the planet earth.Our NGO works for environmental awareness so that people know that we do many things in our daily routine which harm the environment. We also do plantation work and also inspire people.

What We Think

ECCCIS vision is to identify and strengthen the role of industry & commerce of East Champaran with the economic development of the state, & country.

Media Coverage

Benefits of Joining a
Chamber of Indutries & Commerce

Provides businesses with access to resources, discounts, and relationships that enable them to save money, market their products, and streamline their processes.

Our Dedicated Team Members

"Good teams incorporate teamwork into their culture, creating the building blocks for success."

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Om Gupt


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Dev Narayan Gupta


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Rahul Kediya

Deputy Secretary

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Rajesh Narayan

Joint Secretary

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Manoj Jaiswal

Vice Chairman

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Upendra Tiwary


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We really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch. Please fill in the form below.We really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch. Please fill in the form below.

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Before Join membership of ECCCIS Fill all feild and write detail of your business.

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